Join the ClubHarvey Dawkins2024-08-20T09:03:46+01:00 Join the club Who is Beach Club Membership for ? Beach Club Membership is aimed at people looking to practice watersports regularly, improve skills and enjoy being part to the Lagoon. It designed for people that already have a basic level of watersports experience (eg Have completed the Learn to SUP, Learn to Wakeboard, Learn to Windsurf Course or already have other previous experience) Beach Club Membership offers the best value for people that the Lagoon facilities more than 20 times a year. If you think to visit the Lagoon less, then consider our Flexi Pass For most people new to watersports the best time to join the Club is once you have completed your improvers course and perhaps attended a clinic. Membership is fantastic. We have friends that have been members for over 20 years. But it needs to be right for you. Please take some time to read the things you need to know and FAQ’s. Please feel free to ask any questions. We are here to help. To join 1) Read and Sign the membership agreement (Scroll dow page for links) Have a read of the things you need to know and FAQ’s and contact us with any questions Please complete the appropriate joining form below. Child care voucher may be used to pay for kids memberships 2) Payment To pay in a single one off  payment give us a call on 01273 42 48 42 option 2. By spreading the payments over 12 months. Scroll down the list on payment amounts to find the correct monthly amount from the buttons below. It is a long list ! Sorry Any problems or questions call or email us. 3) Complete our hire disclaimers We need this for each person and each activity you wish to take part in. 4) We will get your membership set up and email you This can take 24 hours. If you would like your membership activating ASAP please call or email us and we can speed things up. Things you need to knowWhat is the reason for this? There are ability and safety pre requirements before you can hire on the Lagoon the sea and take away hire.This is for safety reasons. There are wakeboarding booking rules. Max 2 session a day , 1 on Sundays.Allow everyone to ride Membership gives you the best value. But you need to be using the club facilities over 20 times a year.For less regular users a Flexi Pass may be a better value. The minimum period of membership is 1 year.We offer you the best price in return for a commitment to us. If you don't want to commit to a year then our regular riders passes are a great option. Under 18's can only hire on the sea as part of a clinic or with a parent/guardian that is suitably experienced and on the water with them.Restriction by our insurance company. We close for December - first weekend of April for wakeboarding. Sea hire and Take Away hire are available all winter as is access to to our changing rooms with a fob. We also need to use the winter period to drain nd clean the lagoon and perform maintenance.Most customers do not want to be on the water all winter. Through our Take Away Hire we enable keen customers to access wind and SUP sports all winter. We cannot guarantee water in the Lagoon all winter as the cold weather affects the water levels. Activity Pre RequirementsPre requirements Ride the CablesComplete corners Use of kayaks on LagoonNone Use of SUP's on LagoonLagoon taster course or similar experience Use of SUP's on SeaImprovers and progression clinic plus assessment and signing sea hire agreement SUP YogaLagoon taster course or similar experience Windsurf hire on LagoonRYA Start Windsurfing ability Windsurf Hire on the SeaRYA Intermediate non planning or planning plus assessment and signing sea hire agreement Wing Hire on the SeaFirst Flights level or ability to show safe and independent plus signing sea hire agreement Hire when we are closedAs sea hire plus store and changing room fob usage agreement Take Away HireAs sea hire plus a Take Away Hire agreement Guest PassesGuest must meet pre requirements for each activity How to figure out your membership fee For membership we consider all under 18’s to be kids. Students must be in full time education and under 25. When a student is added to a family membership we consider them to be an adult as there is already large discount for adding extra adults. There are no options for students to pay on a monthly basis die to a high level of defaults on payment plans in the past. When adding kids to a family membership. If you would like to any of the kids top wakeboard please add these to the membership before the non wakeboarding kids. Membership Cost Calculator JOIN – WAKEBOARDING JOIN – NON WAKEBOARDING Payment Options To make a one off payment Please call 01273 42 48 42 option 2 or pop down to the centre. To pay in 12 monthly instalments Please see the buttons below with various options to set up a direct debit payments with GoCardless. Please remember, as per your membership agreement, you spreading cost of membership over 12 payments and you are fully liable for all 12 payments. You will need to make all 12 payments, even when we are closed in the winter. Single Adults Single Adult SUP £38.50 Single adult WIND £60.50 Single Adult WAKE £79.75 Single Adult Wake (Own Board) £75.17 Single Adult pro (No wake) – £90.20 Single Adult PRO – £117.79 Couples SUP + SUP – £57.75 WIND + SUP £79.75 WIND + WIND – £90.75 WAKE + SUP – £99 WAKE + WIND – £110 WAKE + WAKE – £119.63 WAKE + WAKE (Has own board) – £116.19 PRO + SUP – £135.21 PRO + WIND – £145.29 PRO + WAKE – £153.31 PRO + PRO – £172.56 PRO (NO WAKE) + SUP – £107.71 Pro (No wake) + WIND – £117.70 PRO (No wake) + WAKE – £125.81 PRO (NO WAKE) + PRO (NO WAKE) – £131.31 Kids WAKE X 1 £52.71 Kids wake x 2 £79.06 Kids Wake X 3 £105.42 Kids Wake own board X 1 £48.13 Kids Wake own board X 2 £74.48 Kids WAKE own board x 3 £100.83 Kids WAKE Unlimited X 1 £71.04 Kids WAKE Unlimited x 2 £106.56 Kids WAKE Unlimited X 1 / KIDS Wake x 1 £97.40 Kids Wake Unlimited X 1 Lagoon x 1 £86.17 Kids Lagoon X 1 £30.25 Kids lagoon x 2 £45.38 Kids Lagoon X 3 £60.50 Kids Wake + kids Lagoon £67.83 Kids Wake x 2 Kids Lagoon x 1 £94.19 Families There are so many different options with family membership you may not find the correct payment plan for you. If so please contact us and we can create one for you. Find out more… Contact Us