How to start a smaller wing boards ? Harvey Dawkins2023-03-10T16:03:05+00:00 How to start a smaller wing board Once you start moving onto smaller boards of about 10% above body weight and below I found the basic knee start became much less effective, particularly in choppy conditions and for boards of a volume below board weight it simply does not work. I think for riders of almost all levels there is a real benefit of moving away from the basic knee start and using an alternative. There are multiple alternative ways to get on to a smaller wing board. You might need to experiment to find which version works best for you. Some require more flexibility and skill than other. Have a look at the options below and give them a go. Plus search YouTube as new methods are popping up all the time. This is my favourite method. I find it is simple improvement on the basic knee start wihih as the video says is a game changer. It works great for me on almost any board so I would high recommend using even if you are not ready for a smaller board as it will stand you in good stead going forwards. WATCH FROM 3 MINUTES 30 Another version from Dave West in Australia where he calls it the STINKBUG method which is very appropriate ! Wing on the water surface The next option is the version where you leave the wing on the water surface, using it for balance and then stand up and bing the wing up afterwards. This version does not work for me but it does for lots of people. This version does work well on big boards and can be a good alternative. I like the first video as he make it look hard and I find it is. The second video is a slicker version. Board straddle the board method. This looks so easy. But it requires really good hip flexibility. This one did not work for me. A lot of wind helps. Advanced windsurf style start. Not easy , needs bootstraps and a lot of wind and care not to stick your foil through the wing. Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins