WakeboardingLagoon2019-08-21T16:54:22+01:00 What Next – Guide to Improving Wakeboarding What next… Guide to improving…Wakeboarding Basics Improvers Pipe Tricks Basics Things to LearnThe list below is essential knowledge which will help you riding the cables. It is essential to complete everything on the list before booking our ride sessions. Things to learn Deep Water Start Riding Position Heelside Edge Toesside Edge Sitting Dock Start How to Corner Self Learning Moves to Learn Deep Water Start… Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Taster.) Riding Position…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Taster.) Heelside Edge…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Taster.) Toesside Edge…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Taster.) Sitting Dock Start…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Taster.) How to Corner…Lagoon Watersports & Lex Balladon (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Improvers.) Blogs Lagoon Wake Park safety tips History of Wakeboarding at Hove Lagoon How to improve your wakeboarding PracticeUntil riders are able to complete the corners riding must be supervised by an instructor on one of our courses. Once you mastered the corners you can join our Wakeboard Ride Sessions.We can help you crack the corners with our Improvers Wakeboarding course or a private lesson. Discounts for regular riding You can save money on our ride session by purchasing 5 hour passes, 10 our passes or a Club Membership years pass. CoursesFurther training is one of the best ways to improve. Club Members get 65% discount on these courses. Improvers Course The Improvers Wakeboard Course is the perfect way to improve your wakeboarding skills and learn some new and exciting tricks! This course aims to get you to the level where you can complete the corners and attempt some tricks. Amazing value : Complete this course and get two free practice sessions worth £64 (must be used within a month of the course).After the course you will be ready to book on to our ride sessions and practice with confidence.More info… Private 1:1 or small group tuition Private cable wakeboard hire is a great way to learn to wakeboard or practice. It is ideal for families, small groups or individuals. Sessions can be tailored to you or your groups ability with session lengths from 30 minutes upwards.More info… Improvers Things to Learn Things to learn How to Ollie Ollie 180 First time on a Feature / Slider / Obstacle Backside Butter Slide Backside Surface 180 Frontside Butterslide Self Learning Moves to Learn Surface 180… Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Improvers course or Private Tuition.) How to ollie… Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Improvers course or Private Tuition.) Ollie 180…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Wakeboard Improvers course or Private Tuition.) How to approach Features / Slider / Obstacle…Lagoon WS & Lex Balladon (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Private Tuition , Thursday Club , Ride Sessions.) First Feature / Slider / Obstacle…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Private Tuition , Thursday Club , Ride Sessions.) Backside Butterslide…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Private Tuition , Thursday Club , Ride Sessions.) Frontside Butterslide…Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Private Tuition , Thursday Club , Ride Sessions.) Blogs Lagoon Wake Park safety tips History of Wakeboarding at Hove Lagoon How to improve your wakeboarding PracticeCome to our Thursday Club or Ladies Club where you can get coaching.Technically Ride Sessions are not coached but if the driver is suitably experienced and qualified they will be more than happy to give you tips and advice. Discounts for regular riding You can save money on our ride session by purchasing 5 hour passes, 10 our passes or a Club Membership years pass. CoursesFurther training is one of the best ways to improve. Thursday Club / Women’s Club A great way to progress you’re riding. Free to club members.More info… Private 1:1 or small group tuition Private cable wakeboard hire is a great way to learn to wakeboard or practice. It is ideal for families, small groups or individuals. Sessions can be tailored to you or your groups ability with session lengths from 30 minutes upwards.More info… Pipe Tricks Things to Learn Things to learn Intro to the Pipe Backside Boardslide Backside 50 / 50 Frontside 50 / 50 Frontside Lipslide Backside Lipslide Self Learning Moves to Learn Intro to the Pipe, Backside Boradslide, Backside 50 / 50, Frontside 50 / 50, Frontside Lipslide , Backside Lipslide … Lagoon WS & Matt Crowhurst (Covered at Hove Lagoon on Thursday Club, Ride Sessions or Private Tuition.) Blogs Lagoon Wake Park safety tips History of Wakeboarding at Hove Lagoon How to improve your wakeboarding PracticeCome to our Thursday Club or Ladies Club where you can get coaching.Technically Ride Sessions are not coached but if the driver is suitably experienced and qualified they will be more than happy to give you tips and advice. Discounts for regular riding You can save money on our ride session by purchasing 5 hour passes, 10 our passes or a Club Membership years pass. CoursesFurther training is one of the best ways to improve. Thursday Club / Women’s Club A great way to progress you’re riding. Free to club members.More info… Private 1:1 or small group tuition Private cable wakeboard hire is a great way to learn to wakeboard or practice. It is ideal for families, small groups or individuals. Sessions can be tailored to you or your groups ability with session lengths from 30 minutes upwards.More info…