What’s new in 2015? Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:23+00:00 Over the winter we’ve been working hard behind the scenes ready for the 2015 season to ensure everyone’s experience at Hove Lagoon is better than ever before! So here’s a rundown of some of the new things going on… New Kit – we all love new kit so here’s what’s new in our shed for you! Windsurf – Selection of performance windsurf boards and sails Bigger boards for the sea – Gecko’s and Shark’s Performance boards – 2 x 120L Rays (great for blasting and drag racing with your mates) Fun boards – Skate 110L/100L Selection of Freewave’s ranging from 86L to 116L – (including 2 x tri-fin Freewave boards) More North sails than you can shake a stick at, ranging from 3.4 to 8.3 consisting of a mixture of s-type, e-tpye, volt and hero’s. Stand Up Paddle Boarding – Selection of surf and race boards Surf – AllWave All round fun – Fly Race/touring – A selection of Fly Air Race boards – 12’6 and 14ft sizes Oh and the biggest SUP on the block! The Fanatic Fly Air XL SUP, guaranteed to provide fun and enjoyment to all who have a go! This board has been taking the SUP scene by storm. Expect some epic mass group races! A Selection of carbon (test) paddles With a selection of blade sizes and some input from your instructor here at Hove Lagoon you can now find the right size blade that works best for you and your style of paddling. Wakeboarding – All new motors running the wake cables We’ve had the team from Industry Wake Parks here working throughout the winter to service and overhaul our cable system. Look to the top of the wake towers and you will see shiny new red motors! Around the club Pro Photography of you doing your sport/activity Nailed that back loop? Landed a jump on the cable or perfected your buoy turn on a SUP board – now you can prove it! Or perhaps it was your child’s first experiencing of sailing/windsurfing? We’ll have the shots for you! Using our dive housing camera setup, fleet of GoPros and strategically placed fly mounts we will be catching you in action and making the photos available to purchase from small prints up to poster size – to cater for all egos! Cafe – A new menu and fresh cakes in our friendly cafe We are sure you are going to enjoy the changes in our cafe, ranging from speciality teas/coffees, fresh cakes (some gluten free), paninis and homemade pizzas straight out of our new pizza oven! As you can imagine it has been tough doing all the tasting for the new menu! Freshly decorated club house – painted, upgraded shower facilities, new lights and a spring clean all in prep for the start of the 2015 season. Bi-weekly fitness (circuit) classes – Fitness is often overlooked in the water sports world. However when added to your weekly schedule plays a great role in; preventing injury, increasing your water time and improving your overall performance. So to that point we have introduced two new circuit classes a week to our calendar – suitable for beginners to advanced exercise junkies! We hope you are looking forward to joining us and getting back on the water, being social and having fun… Everyone at Lagoon Watersports. Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins