Why should all windsurfers get fit? Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:25+00:00 I’m guessing you are probably expecting me to now give you a perfect gym routine and a selection of exercises! Well donʼt worry I’m no expert so I will leave that to the pros! I did actually get fit and lose a bit of weight but it wasn’t because the doctor laughed at me it was actually purely by mistake! February, 3 years a go I was lucky enough to spend some time on the East Coast of Australia.I attempted to learn to surf and promptly became hooked I think i was there for 4 weeks and I reckon I only missed 3 days surfing the whole trip! When I returned to the UK after the trip it was the Spring and we were getting some pretty good windsurfing conditions, what I experienced that Spring was quite remarkable. The difference in my windsurfing was unreal! My kit felt completely different my board so much better under my feet and I was sailing on a 4.7 whilst some of the lads were still on 5.3s. But the main thing was that I wasn’t an aching mess after 20 minutes I could sail for hours and I was loving it! Ever since that trip to Aus I have tried to keep reasonably fit, sadly Brighton doesn’t offer great surfing conditions so I have had to try other things. Iʼm no where near as fit as I was after that but I think the key bit of advice I could offer from my experience do some something not nothing! Pros for getting fitter and maybe losing a few pounds: When its actually windy you can sail longer and harder getting more from your session You can get away with sailing on smaller sails You get planing earlier It will almost certainly improve your technique You can sail on smaller more maneuverable boards Ideas for getting fit: Surf, the most frustrating and exhausting sport you will ever do but if you live somewhere with swell once you crack it you will never look back. Paddleboarding, Distance paddling and racing is a perfect light wind windsurf alternative. Swimming, accessible and easy on the joints. Lagoon Fitness, some windsurf clubs include fitness classes within the membership are you a Lagoon member? take advantage of this amazing and fun way of keeping fit. Written by Mark Saul You may also be interested in Why windsurf in Brighton our Wild Windsurf weekends. Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins